Application form for admission B.Pharm/D.Pharm

Step 1Admission Details
Step 2Personal Details
Step 3Present Address
Step 4Permanent Address
Step 5Contact Details
Step 6Academic Record

Click here to Add Education details   
id Examination passed Board/University Institution Year of Passing Subject Taken Total Marks Marks Obtained Percentage(%) #
Step 7Marks obtained in Higher Secondary Education(10+2)
Chemistry Physics Biology OR Math
Total Marks Obtain Marks Total Marks Obtain Marks Total Marks Obtain Marks Total Marks Obtain Marks
Step 8Entrance Exam Passed Details
Step 9Upload Image And Signature

Step 10Upload Attachments

Step 11Declaration

Declaration by the Applicant

I hereby declared that entries made in his form are true in all respects and in case of any entry or information found false, this shall entail automatic cancellation from admission besides rendering me liable to such an action as the university may deem proper. I declare that I shall submit myself to disciplinary jurisdiction of the university and the principal of the college. I further note that my admission to the college / university and my continuance on its rolls are subject to the provision of the university statutes, audiences and other rules and instructions which may issues from time to time. I shall abide by the rules of discipline and proper conduct which maybe framed on this regard.

Declaration by Guardian / Parent

I have gone through the statement and information give in the application from by my word and whose photograph appears on this form are correct and I do hereby declare that I shall hold responsibility for the regular attendance, conduct and behavior of my ward during the tenure of his / her study in the college / university.

Step 12Rules & Regulations
  • Disruption of, or improper interference with the academic, administrative, sporting, social, or any other activities of the College, within the College premises or elsewhere.
  • Ragging inside or outside college premises (Refer to the Anti-Ragging Regulations as per UGC Guideline and abide by those, failing which the students are liable to be prosecuted and also be punished accordingly).
  • All the labs follow certain safety and academic norms for smooth functioning. Students are advised to keep themselves updated on those norms and follow them accordingly.
  • Use of mobile phones in the classrooms, library, laboratory, workshop area, and others is strictly prohibited. If a student is found to be guilty of using a cell phone in the above-mentioned areas, the same will be withheld.
  • Every student is expected to carry his / her Photo Identity Card while entering the campus. A student is expected to show the Identity Card at any point in time whenever asked for.
  • 75% attendance is mandatory in theoretical and practical classes.
  • A fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged after the due date of payment.
  • Students must help keep the campus neat and clean and also preserve and maintain the greeneries. Eatables/beverages are not allowed inside the study areas including Laboratories and Libraries. Students should have their Tiffin inside the canteen/cafeteria or, classroom. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the university campus.


Please do not Submit Form Multiple times.Once you get Application ID after proper submission of online Application form.Contact College Admission Office for Admission Process.